Private Electrical Inspections

Call us at (908) 380-0555

Daley Electric Company has personnel that hold electrical inspector licenses. Licenses held in NJ are HHS Electrical inspector as well as Electrical Subcode official. The requirements of holding active licenses include constant training to learn new code requirements. The electrical code is a living document. Every 3 years a revised updated code book is published. The state of NJ adopts the National Electrical Code a year or 2 after the new code is published. The National Electrical code is adopted as New Jersey’s electrical code standard with a few modifications each cycle. Daley Electric is very familiar with the electrical code and has been working with it for over 40 years.

Yearly private inspections would complement to your safety policy. Inspections would identify electrical hazards that may exist at your facility. They can identify areas that need immediate attention. Inspections can also identify practices that need to be changed to ensure electrical safety for personnel. Private Electrical inspections identify problem areas before they become liabilities. Inspections are completed privately with no penalties or repercussions from the building department. You can have a safe efficient work environment free of electrical liabilities. Your personnel will be safe and you can ensure production and overhead costs are kept to a minimum.